(2) The repairs required to restore an item to a serviceable condition
d Request for disposition instructions for entire equipment set that have
are beyond the capabilities of general support maintenance regard-
major PEMA items Inspection reports will be prepared for equipment set
less of estimated repair cost, except as provided for in b below.
and each major PEMA item in accordance with TM 38-750 Inspection re-
ports for sets and major PEMA item will accompany request for disposition
b. Depot repair is authorized in oversea commands without referral to
NICP when repairs can be accomplished within the prescribed expenditure
e. Equipment will not be reported for disposition solely on the basis that it
is overage. Serviceable overage equipment will be retained in use, unless
c. Request for dsposition instruction will be prepared in accordance with
priority of organization's mission warrants replacement. Repairs to over-
age equipment will be limited to the maintenance necessary to maintain it
in a safe, operable condition.
f. Disposition of item in CONUS depot stock will be determined by the
11. Explanation of Columns.
h. Use of Expenditures Limit Tables I (15 years) and II (20 years).
(1) Determine the age in years since now.
a. Column 1 - FSC or Stock Number. End item National Stock Numbers
listed in numerical sequence by type of equipment.
(2) Determine the number of miles n operation since new.
b. Column 2 - Item Identification. Item generic nomenclature, functional
(3) Determine which table the vehicle falls in.
capability, make and model.
(a) 15 year life expectancy, Table I.
c. Column 3. This column containes the ECC in accordance with TM 38-
(b) 20 year life expectancy, Table II.
750, LIN in accordance with SB 700-20 and the make and model unspeci-
fied NSN (for management use only)
(4) Determine the cost factor from the appropriate Appendix by read-
ing across the age line to the mileage column.
d Column 4 - Production Year. The year that item was manufactured. If
no date is shown, refer to equipment data plate or DA Form 2408-9 (ac-
(5) Multiply the replacement cost be the factor.
(6) The result is the maximum expenditure permitted for repair of the
e. Column 5 - Serial Number Range or USA Number. The serial number
ranges for the production years listed in column 4.
12. References.
f. Column 6 - Years of Life Expectancy. The average life expectancy
the item n years. The numbers in this column are used in conjunction with
Tables I and II to determine Expenditure Limits for Appendix A.
AR 750-1
AR 755-1
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