![]() FSC Group 38
Maintenance Expenditure Limits *TB 43-0002-28
c. The dollar expenditure limit is obtained by multiplying the appropriate percentage factor obtained
in this TB by the current unit replacement price of the item being repaired. Current unit replacement
prices for end items are contained in SB 710-1-1, Chapter 7. Replacement prices in the Army Master
Data File (AMDF) will be used for secondary items. The average cost to repair assemblies for
components may be used at direct support and general support where repairs are accomplished by
batch or production line processes.
the technical inspection are to be made by a qualified individual with Military occupation Specialty
(MOS) or job classification specific to the item being inspected. Inspections will be performed in
accordance with equipment maintenance and serviceability standards applicable to the maintenance
level performing the repair.
The results of the technical inspection will:
a. Determine if the unserviceable conditions is the result of other than fair wear and tear: ensure
components have not been removed: and inform owning unit of need to assess liability as necessary.
b. Determine the extent of the maintenance effort required to restore the item to prescribed condition
of serviceability.
c. Classify the item as economically or not economically repairable with correct condition code.
d. Provide for verification of items with condition code P (unserviceable, materiel classified by
inspection) or H (unserviceable, condemned).
The appropriate form will reflect each applicable cost element and the total estimated cost of repair.
The expenditure limit will be included to compare the estimated cost and to make a determination as
to repair or disposition instruction on preparation of DA Form 2404 and DA Form 2407 are found in
DA PAM 738-750.
Instructions on preparation of DA Form 461-5 and DA Form 3590 are found in TB 43-0140 and TB
43-0217. DA Form 461-5 will be required if item listed in this TB is mounted on a transport vehicle
not managed by TACOM.
DA Form 461-5 (Vehicle Classification Inspection.)
DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Work Sheet).
DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request).
DA Form 3590 (request for Disposition or Waiver).
serviceable condition at the authorized level of maintenance with undertakes the repairs. If repairs are
determined to be within the scope of support maintenance, serviceability standards applicable to the
level concerned will be used to determine work required. The expense of operating maintenance
(Unit maintenance described in appropriate TM or commercial manuals) will not be included in cost
estimate when being repaired and returned to user.
The repair cost is derived from the total cost of the following elements.
a. Direct labor (military and civilian), excluding initial inspection costs, includes all labor, which can be
specifically identified with repair. Direct labor rates that apply to the total man-hours estimated are
obtained as indicated by procedures in paragraph 4-2a.
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