![]() TB 43-0002-1
4. The AVIM activity has the tools and skills to accomplish the repair action, and some required actions are
coded as depot level work in the MAC, and the cost of needed repairs exceeds the MEL.
5. The depot level repair costs exceed the authorized MEL for the PRON.
c. Items identified, as depot level repair/overhaul (recoverability codes of "D" and "L") will be shipped to the
appropriate repair facility, using standard supply procedures. If a depot level item is not repairable, .it will be condemned
and disposed of locally per the instructions in Section IX, of TM 1-1500-328-23 (Aeronautical Equipment Maintenance
Management Policies and Procedures).
4-1. Required Elements of a Disposition or Waiver Request from AVIM Activities.
a. A memorandum summarizing the problem will be completed and used as a cover sheet when requesting
disposition or waiver instructions.
b. An Estimated Repair Appraisal will be prepared in duplicate per the instructions in Appendix B.
c. Two sets of copies of the DA Form 2408-13-3s completed during the Damage Assessment Evaluation will be
attached to the Estimated Repair Appraisal. Retain the originals at the requesting activity until a response is received.
d. Disposition or waiver requests should be addressed to: Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command,
ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-VS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. If a response has not been received within 20 working
days, telephone AMCOM Aviation Systems Directorate, DSN 897-1626/1627 or commercial (256) 313-1626/1627.
AR 37-60
Pricing for Materiel and Services (Cited in para 1-4e)
AR 750-1
Army Materiel Maintenance Policies (Cited in para 1-1)
AR 750-2
Army Materiel Maintenance Wholesale Operations (Cited in para 1-1)
DA Pamphlet 738-751
Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management
System-Aviation (TAMMS-A) (Cited in para 1-5e(1) )
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