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TB 43-0002-1
1-5. Procedures.
a. Activities that are considered as Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) are limited to repairs authorized by the MAC
in the appropriate Technical Manuals (TMs).
b. Organizations that are classified as Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) will determine the practicality to
repair prior to the start of any major repair action. The prime factor is the dollar cost of the required actions; however,
other factors; such as, personnel proficiency, availability of jigs, fixtures, and test, measurement, and diagnostic
equipment (TMDE) , and facility support capabilities must be considered. If the estimated cost to repair exceeds the limits
in this TB, the item will be considered as eligible for disposal. Items that are considered economically repairable but
exceed the capability of the evaluating activity will be evacuated to the next supporting maintenance activity or depot level
c. Depot level activities will use the dollar cost to repair as the prime factor in determining MEL; however, the item
manager at AMCOM may specify additional requirements that must be considered prior to the start of repairs.
d. Items that are exempt from MEL computation requirements:
1. Items designated for depot level repair/overhaul as the result of an AMCOM directive.
2. Items included in a HQ DA directed repair program.
e. All deteriorated and/or damaged items will be subjected to a repair assessment evaluation (technical inspection)
to determine economic repair status.  This evaluation must establish the full extent of the needed repairs, and the
estimated cost to return the item to a fully serviceable condition. Maximum use will be made of authorized test and
diagnostic equipment, and disassembly will be held to the minimum consistent with an adequate determination of
maintenance required. Until the repair assessment evaluation is completed, and the decision to repair or dispose of the
item has been made, comply with the following:
1. Conduct the Damage Assessment Evaluation. The evaluation will be conducted by a qualified technical
inspector or supervisor. and documented on DA Form 2408-13-3 (Aircraft Technical inspection Worksheet), per DA PAM
738-751.  Enter all faults, discrepancies, and parts/components that need replacement in Part I, Fault information,
Faults/Remarks block of the DA Form 2408-13-3.  Enter the National Stock Number (NSN)/Part Number (PN) of
parts/components that need replacement, and the maintenance man-hours to repair the fault, discrepancy, and/or to
replace the part/component in the corresponding Part II, Correction information, Action block of the DA Form 2408-13-3.
2. Prepare the Estimated Repair Appraisal.  The same person that performed the Damage Assessment
Evaluation should prepare the appraisal in accordance with Appendix B. It will become an attachment to the Request for
Disposition/Waiver Memorandum, along with copies of the Damage Assessment Evaluation (DA Form 2408-13-3's).

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