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TB 43-0002-1
b. Damage Assessment Evaluation. A thorough technical inspection of the wear, damage, and/or deterioration of an
item to determine the extent of necessary repairs. This evaluation includes a complete analysis of all work and materials
needed to restore the item to a fully serviceable condition.
c. Technical Inspection.  A visual, touch-and-feel inspection made by a technically qualified person (normally a
quality control technical inspector (TI)).  These inspections are performed according to maintenance performance
standards specified in the appropriate technical publications. Faults, deficiencies, repair parts required, nature and extent
of repair, overall condition, direct labor man-hours, and labor costs needed to restore the item to proper standards of
serviceability are part of the technical inspection.
d. Economically Reparable. An item that is reparable within guidelines; such as, ARs, TBs, TMs, and DMWRs,
based on the item's life expectancy, its acquisition or replacement cost, and other relevant factors.
e. Standard Price.  The price established for each item in the Army and published in the Fed Log/Army Log.
Procedures on what elements are used to construct the standard price for Procurement Appropriation (PA) items and
Defense Business Operating Fund (DBOF) items are stated in AR 37-60.
f. Planning Price. The estimated near future procurement price used by AMC MSCs when computing major item
repair costs. The price is generated from the standard price and the approved inflation indices. It provides a price for
preparing estimated item acquisition cost.
g. Estimated Total Cost to Repair. An estimate of the total cost involved to restore an item to full serviceability. The
estimated cost is determined by the repair assessment evaluation.
h. Reparable Secondary Item. Replacement assemblies, module, components, or items other than a primary end
item, which can be restored to perform all of its required functions by corrective maintenance.
i. Unit Funded Cost (UFC). The fully funded burdened cost, which contains all applicable rates and surcharges
associated with repairing an item at depot level maintenance.
j. Deterioration. A gradual reduction in the structural integrity of an item, from its original state, caused by the
environment and/or negligence. The most common causes of environmental deterioration are galvanic corrosion caused
by dissimilar metals and moisture, oxidation (rust), elastomer degeneration caused by ozone attack, and polymer
degradation caused by ultraviolet radiation. The most common cause of negligent deterioration is the failure to follow
established maintenance procedures.
k. Damaged Beyond Repair. Items damaged, destroyed, or deteriorated to the extent that functional components,
structural parts, or assemblies can not be economically reclaimed for further use.

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