TB 1--1520--240--20--153
Special Provisions To Message Requirements (Aircraft) -
a. Aircraft in AVUM, AVIM, or Depot level maintenance - Commanders, facility managers and contrac-
tors will not issue aircraft until they are in compliance with this message.
b. Aircraft at Contractor Facility - Contractors will inspect DD250 aircraft prior to those aircraft departing
for ferry to final destination.
c. Aircraft in Transit - Unit Commanders in reciept of deployment orders and are unable to comply prior
to the date specified pragraph 4.a. may defer initial requirements in accordance with surface/air shipment or
ferry status instructions, as appropriate.
(1) Surface/air shipment - Within 10 aircraft hours/14 days of arrival.
(2) Ferry status/Aircraft away from home station - Comply with message requirements upon ar-
rival at final destination.
Maintenance Trainers (Cat A and B) - Comply with message requirements no later than 3 MAR 04.
55-1520-240-23-9, Tasks 11-238, 11-239, 11-244, 11-245, 11-246, and 11-247, contain figures that are either
incorrect or lack proper resolution, possibly causing incorrect fastener installation, and consequently causing
reduced clearance between control system linkages. Change 1 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9 corrects the top fig-
ure on page 11-962 in Task 11-247 for bolt orientation; it does not correct the remaining task figures. The
MH--47E Maintenance Manual, TM 1-1520-252-23-13, Tasks 11-256, 11-257, 11-262 and Task 11-263 also
contain figures that show incorrect fastener installation. Additionally, many of the figures in these tasks do
not include orientation designators, i.e., outboard/inboard, forward/aft direction arrows, which aid in orienting
the technician.
Figures 389 and 390 of TM 55-1520-240-23P-3, 15 Sep 03 (C/MH-47D)
and Figures 11-14 and 11-15 of TM 1-1520-252-23P-3 (MH-47E) should
be referenced in performing this inspection.
The figure on page 11-952 in Task 11-244 of the CH-47D Maintenance
Manual TM 55-1520-240-23-9 does not have adequate resolution to
show the bolt orientation. All four bolts at Station 444.5 should be shown
with the bolt heads facing inboard.
a. Inspection Procedure --
(1) Prepare aircraft for safe ground maintenance.
(2) Reference Task 11-244 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9, page 11-952 (CH-47D) and Reference Task
11-262 of TM 1-1520-252-23-13 (MH-47E). Inspect Item 15 (4 places) at Station 444.5 to determine if the
bolt heads face inboard.
(3) If all 4 bolt heads face inboard, the inspection is complete. Proceed to paragraph 8.xx
(4) If all 4 bolt heads do not face inboard, proceed to paragraph 7.c.
b. Fastener Removal, Inspection and Replacement -
The figure on page 11-952 in Task 11-244 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9
(CH-47D) does not have adequate resolution to show the correct bolt
orientation. All four bolts at Station 444.5 should be shown with the bolt
heads facing inboard. The figure on page of Task 11-262 of TM
1-1520-252-23-13 (MH-47E) is incorrect. All four bolts at Station 444.5
should be shown with the bots heads facing inboard.
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