TB 1--1520--240--20--151
9. Procedures/Instructions for Assemblies/Components/Parts in Work or in Stock (at all levels in-
cluding War Reserves). Annotate the serviceability tag with: "CH-47-03-ASAM-01, Engine Drive Shaft, not
complied with". Do not remove original condition tags.
a. Items in Retail Stock -- N/A.
b. Items in Single Stock Fund and in Work (Overhaul/Repair Facility) -- N/A.
c. Depot, unit and other maintenance activity commanders will ensure items listed in paragraph 4 are
not issued until they are in compliance with this message.
d. Items in Wholesale Stock -- N/A.
10. Special Tools and Fixtures Required -- N/A.
11. Supply/Parts (Requisition/Distribution) . -- N/A.
12. Maintenance Application.
a. Category of Maintenance -- AVUM.
b. Estimated Time Required-
(1) Time to complete inspection -- Total of 1 man-hour using 1 person with 0 hours downtown
per end item.
(2) Time for repair/replacement -- N/A.
13. Publication Requirements.
a. References --
(1) AR 95--1
(2) DA PAM 738--751
b. Publication changes -- CH--47D: The following changes shall be made to TM 55-1520-240-23-1. A
copy of this message will be used as authority to implement the change until the official change is received.
(1) Task 1-91, Overhaul and Retirement Schedule, CH--47D Components with Fatigue Lives
Less than 10,000 Hours; the retirement schedule for Engine Drive Shaft, P/N 145D3504-2, shall be changed
to read, "6000 hours (Note H)".
(2) Task 1-91, Overhaul and Retirement Schedule, CH--47D Components with Fatigue Lives
Less Than 10,000 Hours; Add the following to the "Notes" section: "H. The following serial numbered engine
drive shafts (P/N 145D3504--2) have a retirement life of 2000 hours:
A--103, A--107, A--193, A--211, A--230, A--243, A--262, A--276, A--280, A--287, A--309, A--327, a--330, A--352,
A--385, A--453, A--474, A--501, A--504, A--506, A--517, A--526, A--536, A--538, A--571, A--596, A--612, A--617,
A--636, A--638, A--651, A--652, A--675, A--691, A--696, A--704, A--709, A--731, A--741, A--771, A--778, A--792,
A--799, A--908, A--921, A--960, A--1200, A--2343, A--11767BK.
c. Publication changes -- MH--47E: The following changes shall be made to TM 1--1520--252-23-1. A
copy of this message will be used as authority to implement the change until the official change is received.
(1) Task 1-99, Overhaul and Retirement Schedule, MH--47E Components with Fatigue Lives
Less than 10,000 Hours; the retirement schedule for Engine Drive Shaft, P/N 145D3504-2, shall be changed
to read, "6000 hours (Note C & E)".
(2) Task 1-99, Overhaul and Retirement Schedule, MH--47E Components with Fatigue Lives
Less Than 10,000 Hours; Add the following to the "Notes" section: "E. The following serial numbered engine
drive shafts (P/N 145D3504--2) have a retirement life of 2000 hours:
A--103, A--107, A--193, A--211, A--230, A--243, A--262, A--276, A--280, A--287, A--309, A--327, a--330, A--352,
A--385, A--453, A--474, A--501, A--504, A--506, A--517, A--526, A--536, A--538, A--571, A--596, A--611, A--617,
A--636, A--638, A--651, A--652, A--675, A--691, A--696, A--704, A--709, A--731, A--741, A--771, A--778, A--792,
A--799, A--908, A--921, A--960, A--1200, A--2343, A--11767BK.
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