TB 1-1520-240-20-131
ULLS--A users will use applicable "E" Forms.
(1) DA Form 2408-5-1, Equipment Modification Record (main rotor head, main rotor hub).
(2) DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
(3) DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
(4) DA Form 2408-15, Historical Record For Aircraft.
(5) Da Form 2408-16, Aircraft Component Historical Record.
(6) DA Form 2408-18, Equipment Inspection List.
ULLS-A units will use an "800" inspection number for the 50 hour main
rotor head visual inspection.
(7) DA Form 2410, Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record. (Only if main rotor head
is removed/replaced).
(8) DD Form 1574/DD Form 1574--1, Serviceable Tag/Label -- Materiel (color yellow). Annotate
remarks block with "Inspected serviceable in accordance with CH-47-01-ASAM-03 (TB
(9) DD Form 1577--2/DD Form 1577-3, Unserviceable (repairable) Tag/Label -- Materiel (color
green). Annotate remarks block with "Unserviceable in accordance with CH--47--01--ASAM--03 (TB
15. Weight and Balance. N/A.
a. Technical point of contact for this message is Mr. Steve Prosise, AMSAM--RD--AE--I--P--C, DSN
897--3377 or (256) 313--3377, datafax is DSN 897--4348 or (256) 313--4348. E--mail is "steve.prosise@reds-
b. Logistical point of contact for this message is Mr. Bill Olson, SFAE-AV-CH-L, DSN 897-3379 or com-
mercial (256) 313-3379, datafax is ext 4348. E--mail is "william.olson@peoavn.redstone.army.mil".
Wholesale Materiel Point of contact (SPARES) -- N/A.
d. Forms and Records point of contact is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM-MMC-RE-FF, DSN 746-5564 or
commercial (256) 876-5564, datafax is DSN 746-4904. E--mail is "ann.waldeck@redstone. army.mil".
Safety points of contact are --
(1) Primary -- Mr. Randall Rushing (SAIC), AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 897-2092 or commercial (256)
313-2092, datafax is DSN 895--2111 or commercial (256) 313-2111. E--mail is "randall.rushing@redstone.ar-
(2) Alternate -- Mr. Russ Peusch, AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 788-8632 or commercial (256) 313--8632,
datafax is DSN 897--2111 or commercial (256) 313--2111. E--mail is "russel.peusch@redstone.army .mil".
f. Foreign Military Sales recipients requiring clarification of action advised by this Technical Bulletin
should contact --
(1) CW5 Joseph L. Wittstrom, Security Assistance Management, AMSAM-SA, DSN 897-0410
or commercial (256) 313-0410. E--mail is "wittstromjl@redstone.army .mil"
(2) Mr. Ronnie W. Sammons, AMSAM-SA-CS-NF, DSN 897-0408 or commercial (256)
313-0408, datafax is DSN 897-0411 or commercial (256) 313-0411. E--mail is "sammonsrw@redstone.ar-
g. After hours contact the AMCOM COMMAND OPERATIONS CENTER (COC) DSN 897-2066/7 or
commercial (256) 313-2066/7. Huntsville, AL is GMT minus 6 hours.
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