TB 1--1520--237--20--246
(2) Dispose of the suspect control rod and cracked nut IAW paragraph 10.d.(1) of this TB.
(3) Clear the red horizontal dash / / - / / entry required by paragraph 1.a..
c. Retail or wholesale stockage facilities will note the cage code is not stamped on the jamnut. The
only means of identifying the cage code is if the jamnut is still in the original packing. The cage code is on
the packing.
(1) Purge from stock all nuts, plain hexagon, P/N 70400-02267-102, manufactured under cage
code 1ber9.
(2) Purge from stock all nuts, plain hexagon, P/N 70400-02267--102, where the cage code cannot
be determined.
(3) Report compliance to wholesale poc IAW paragraph 16.c..
a. Parts required - Items cited in paragraphs 6 and 7 may be required to replace defective items.
b. Requisition instructions - Requisition replacement parts using normal supply procedures. All requi-
sitions shall use project code (CC 57--59) "X1M" (X-Ray One Mike).
Project code "X1M" is required to track and establish a data base of stock fund expenditures in-
curred by the field as a result of message actions.
Bulk and Consumable Materials.
d. Disposition -
(1) Aircraft In Use - Submit assembly with a cracked jamnut as a category 1 QDR exhibit for addi-
tional analysis. Contact Technical Point Of Contact listed in paragraph 16.a. for final disposition instructions.
(2) Retail/Wholesale Stock - Demilitarize/mutilate IAW TM 1-1500-328-23 any part/component
which does not meet inspection criteria.
e. Disposition Of Hazardous Material - N/A.
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance. AVUM for inspection and correction requirements. Aircraft downtime will
be charged to AVUM.
b. Estimated Time Required.
(1) Time to Complete Inspection --
(a) Total of 1 man-hour using 1 person.
(b) Total of 1 hour downtime for one end item.
(2) Time For Repair/Replacement -
(a) Total of 4 man-hours using 2 persons.
(b) Total of 12 hours downtime for one end item to remove and replace all six control rods.
Downtime does not include time required for required MOC/test flight.
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