TB 1-1520-237-20-213
Prime fuel system and check for leakage IAW TM 1-1520-237-23, paragraph 10-4-1 or TM
1-1520-250-23, paragraph 10.1.
Make sure area is clean and free of foreign material.
Install oil cooler compartment door IAW TM 1-1520-237-23, paragraph 2-4-122, or TM 1-
1520-250-23, paragraph 2.34.
Close engine cowling and latch.
(15) Upon replacement of breakaway fuel valve on the number two crossover line, make an
entry on DA FORM 2408-18 to schedule replacement of the new valve when 1500 flight
hours have been accured on the new installation. ULLS-A users will use one of their 800
inspection number. Make an entry on the aircraft 2408-15 quoting this TB number and put
the date and aircraft total time in the entry for historical purposes.
Change to 10 hour/14 day inspection procedure: add the following inspection to TM 1-1520-237-
PMS-1, after paragraph 6.23 and to TM 1-1520-250-PMS-1, paragraph 6.26: "inspect number 2
crossfeed breakaway fuel valve (right side) for security and leakage."
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
a. Parts Required.
Part No.
Valve, self-sealing
b. Requisitioning Instructions. Contact logistical point of contact in paragraph 16b prior to
requisitioning replacement parts using normal supply procedures. All requisitions shall use project code
(CC 57-59) "XFP" (X-ray-foxtrot-papa). If a task/inspection report by the unit has not been received by
the logistical POC, that units' requisitions will be given lower priority than requisitions from units reporting
in compliance with the instructions of the TB.
Project Code "XFP", is required to track and establish a
database of stock fund expenditures incurred by the field as a result of
/SOF actions.
Bulk and Consumable Material. N/A.
d. Disposition. All turn-in documents must include project code (CC 57-59) XFP.
(1) Leaking valves: submit a cat 1 deficiency report and wait for disposition instructions.
(2) Valves that not leaking when removed: DE-MIL IAW TM 1-1500-328-23.
e. Disposition of Hazardous Material. IAW environmental protection agency directives as
implemented by your servicing environmental coordinator (AR 200-1).
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance. AVUM. Aircraft downtime will be charged to AVUM maintenance.
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