![]() TB 750-25
general information applicable to the Army TMDE C&RS program. Specifically, this TB
provides detailed information and instructions concerning the procedures and controls
for ensuring accurate and traceable measurements, and prescribes required forms and
records in accomplishing C&RS functions. It also provides general instructions on how
to obtain TMDE support and technical assistance. This TB supports the Army policy as
set forth in AR 750-43, Army Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment Program.
Department of the Army TMDE C&RS program to Headquarters, U. S. Army Materiel
Command (AMC). The Commander AMC designated the U. S. Army Test, Measurement,
and Diagnostic Equipment Activity (USATA), an element of the U. S. Army Aviation and
Missile Command, the responsibility of executing the DA TMDE C&RS program.
purpose TMDE (TMDE-GP) and selected special purpose TMDE (TMDE-SP). The
USATA also provides command and control, staff coordination, and management of
Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside the Continental United States
(OCONUS) assigned TMDE support activities (TSA). The CONUS is divided into three
geographical regions (Region 1, 2, and 3) from which TMDE C&RS is provided. Regions
Europe and Pacific provide OCONUS support. One active duty military company
provides worldwide C&RS throughout CONUS and OCONUS in support of wartime and
peacetime missions.
1-4. TMDE Support to the Army National Guard (ARNG). As an exception to the
centrally-managed Army TMDE support structure, the ARNG Combined Support
Maintenance Shops (CSMS) have TMDE support missions for selected items designated
in TB 43-180 as "T" and "S" level. The TMDE support responsibilities of the ARNG
CSMS are determined by the capabilities authorized to each CSMS for its TMDE
support mission. All TMDE support beyond the CSMS capability will be provided by the
appropriate Army TSA. Details of USATA TMDE C&RS to the ARNG is generally
stipulated in an interservice support agreement, or memorandum of understanding,
between the ARNG and the AMC proponent activity.
C&RS as set forth in AR 750-43, this TB, and other TMDE regulatory guidance as
required. The Logistics Division, DAAR-LO, Office of the Chief, Army Reserve, has
overall responsibility for TMDE C&RS support for all USAR units. Details of USATA
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