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TB 1--1520--240--20--153
It is not necessary to remove correctly installed fastener hardware unless
it prevents removal of incorrectly installed fastener hardware, or visual
inspection indicates damage to correctly installed fastener hardware or
control linkage hardware.
(1) Perform Task 11-244 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9 (C/MH--47D), Task 11-262 of TM
1-1520-252-23-13 (MH-47E) to remove incorrectly installed fastener hardware.
(2) Inspect the parts at Station 444.5 listed in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of this message for abnor-
mal wear or abrasion. If cotter pins are removed discard and replace with new ones.
Three figures on pages 11-957 and 11-958 in Task 11-244 of TM
55-1520-240-23-9 (CH-47D) either do not have adequate resolution to
show the correct bolt orientation, or are incorrect. All four bolts at Statioin
444.5 should be shown with the bolt heads facing inboard. Three figures
on pages 1 and 2 of Task 11-264 of TM 1-1520-252-23-13 (MH-47E) ei-
ther do not have adequate resolution to show bolts at Station 444.5
should be shown with the bolt heads facing inboard.
The figure on page 11-928 in Task 11-238 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9
(CH-47D) is incorrect. All four bolts at Station 444.5 should be shown
with the bolt heads facing inboard. The figure on page 2 of Task 11-256
of TM 1-1520-252-23-13 (MH-47E) is incorrect. All four bolts at Station
444.5 should be shown with the bolt heads facing inboard.
The figure on page 11-930 in Task 11-239 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9
(CH-47D) does not have adequate resolution and is incorrect. All four
bolts at Station 444.5 should be shown with the bolt heads facing in-
board. The figure on page 2 of Task 11-257 of TM 1-1520-252-23-13
(MH-47E) is incorrect. All four bolts at Station 444.5 should be shown
with the bolt heads facing inboard.
(a) If either bellcrank (P/N 145C3516-1) exhibits cracks or abnormal wear or abrasion, re-
move per TM 55-1520-240-23-9, Task 11-246 and replace per Task 11-264 (C/MH-47D) or remove per
TM 1-1520-252-23-13, Task 11-264 and replace per Task 11-265 (MH-47E).
(b) If any connecting links (P/N's 145CS340-17, 414C2530-3, 145C2501-2, 414C2520-4)
exhibit cracks or abnormal wear of abrasion, remove per TM 55-1520-240-23-9 Tasks 11-238 and/or
11-244, and replace per Tasks 11-239 and/or 11-245 (C/MH-47D); or remove per TM 1-1520-252-23-13
Tasks 11-256 and/or 11-262, and replace per Tasks 11-257 and/or 11-263 (MH-47E)
The bottom figure on page 11-955 in Task 11-245 of TM
55-1520-240-23-9 is incorrect. The figure on page in Task 11-262 and
page 4 (Change 4) in Task 11-263 TM 1-1520-252-23-13 is incorrect.
The bolt heads for all four bolts should face inboard.
The two outboard bolts should be installed first in the step below.
(3) Perform Steps 10 through 12 of Task 11-245 of TM 55-1520-240-23-9 (C/MH-47D) to reinstall
each of the 4 sets of fastener hardware or perform Steps 10 through 12 of Task 11-263 of TM
1-1520-252-23-13 (MH-47E), the inspection is complete. Proceed to paragraph 7c.
Clear the initial entry from paragraph 4.a. and note compliance on the Aircraft DA Form 2408-15.
8.  Procedures/Instructions for Assemblies/Components/Parts in Work or in Stock (At all levels in-
cluding War Reserves). N/A.

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