![]() TM 9-2320-279 -20-1
Instructions (Cent)
a specific malfunction is known,
(3) Isolation and Correction of Specific Malfunctions.
unnecessary testing can be avoided by going directly to the appropriate test, or tests, indexed in
or 2-11. The relationship of the GO and NO-GO tests are shown in Figure 2-18. Note that GO1 test, VTM
connections and checkout, must be performed before conducting any other tests.
is a testing system that performs tests and
measures standard voltage, current, resistance,
measurements on internal combustion engines.
pressure, and temperature. Special tests, such as compression balance tests and starter system evaluations
Standard equipment functions including vacuum pressure gage, low-current
are performed by
is portable and operates on either 12 or
tester, and multimeter are features of the
system consists of a Vehicle
24-volt vehicle batteries or equivalent power source. The
four electrical cables, a transit case, and technical manual (fig. 2-19).
(VTM), a Transducer Kit
d. Vehicle Test Meter
Description. The VTM is a tool for the mechanic to test vehicle electrical and mechanical
components. Readings are either pass/fail indications or digital displays in units familiar to the mechanic
(psi, rpm, volts, ohms, amps, etc.).
The VTM interfaces with the vehicle by either a permanently mounted
or directly with a transducer from the Transducer Kit
Diagnostic Connector Assembly
DCA provides accessibility to the most frequently needed test points. This use of the VTM is called the
DCA mode of operation. The VTM also interfaces with transducers from the transducer kit for testing or
troubleshooting. This use of the VTM is called the TK mode of operation. Additional tests not in the DCA
mode can also be done in the Transducer Kit (TK) mode. These involve manually probing and/or connecting
transducers to appropriate test points.
Operating power for the VTM is drawn from the vehicle batteries or some equivalent
battery source. Power is routed to the VTM through the diagnostic connector in the DCA mode, or through
cable clamps connected to the battery in the TK mode.
pressure and a vacuum transducer along with the necessary adapters (bushings, plugs, tees, etc.). Also
included in the kit is a current probe for measuring current and a test probe cable for measuring voltage
and resistance. The transducers and adapters are non-repairable. The cables are non-repairable at
organizational maintenance level.
Controls and Readout Display. The controls and readout display
f. Vehicle Test Meter
on the VTM are illustrated in Figure 2-20. The following paragraphs describe how the controls are used,
and how the display functions.
(1) Power Switch (PUSH ON/PULL OFF). The power switch controls DC power to the VTM. The VTM
can operate from a 12-volt or 24-volt battery system. When the power switch is pushed in (PUSH ON), the
shut the VTM off, pull out the power switch (PULL OFF). The power switch contains
VTM power is on.
a 4-amp circuit breaker. The power switch will pop out automatically if something is wrong which causes
the VTM to use more power than it should. If the switch pops, check the hookup carefully and try again
before sending the VTM to
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