![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-4
(3) Overheat thermostat, restriction thermostat, diode and electrical leads.
R o u g h handling of thermostats can cause them not to
work properly.
C l e a n overheat thermostat (1), restriction thermostat (2), and diode (3) with
clean cloth.
I n s p e c t overheat thermostat (1), restriction thermostat (2), and diode (3)
for corrosion. If they are corroded, get new parts.
I f overheat thermostat (1) or restriction thermostat (2) are known not to be
w o r k i n g right get new ones.
Thermostats and diode are not repairable. If they
d o not pass tests, get new ones.
P l a c e leads of ohmmeter on each terminal (4 and 5) of overheat thermostat (1).
C i r c u i t should be closed.
P l a c e one lead of ohmmeter on overheat thermostat case (1). Place other lead
o n terminal (4 or 5). C i r c u i t should be open.
Get new overheat thermostat (1) if it does not pass tests in steps 4 and 5.
D o steps 4, 5, and 6 again for terminals (6 and 7) of restriction thermostat
P l a c e leads of ohmmeter on ends of diode (3). N o t e if circuit is open or closed
S w i t c h leads on ends of diode. N o t e if circuit is open or closed.
C i r c u i t must be closed in one test and open in the other. If circuit is open
o r closed in both directions, diode must be replaced.
10. I n s p e c t electrical leads (8 and 9) for broken or worn insulation and broken
Inspect ground strap (10) for broken terminals.
11. C h e c k continuity through electrical leads (8 and 9) and ground strap (10)
u s i n g an ohmmeter. Place an ohmmeter lead on each terminal of each lead.
G e t new electrical leads (8 and 9) or ground strap (10) if circuit is open.
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