TM 55-1510-218-MTF
sired level. Depress knob
again to return unit to auto-
matic squelch control.
c. Number 1 or number 2 ADF
receiver audio monitor switch
(radio control panel) - On (up).
d. Mode switch - Set operating
mode as required.
e. Tuning knobs - Set test fre-
quency or channel.
f. Volume control - AS required.
g. RMI switch - AS required.
Monitor ADF indicator needle
for proper operation.
h. Determine the magnetic bear-
ing from a landmark to the
ADF station.
i. Fly the aircraft over this land-
mark on the magnetic heading
determined above.
j. Relative bearing should agree
with aircraft magnetic heading
within 4.
*13. VOR/glideslope/marker beacon
Check as follows:
a. Off/volume control (VOR
control panel) - Rotate clock-
wise to turn set on, and set
volume as required.
b. Frequency selectors - Set test
c. Course indicator switches (in-
strument panel) - VOR.
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