![]() TM 55-1510-218-MTF
band switching is taking
i. Retune to a low frequency
station of known location.
j. Mode selector switch - ADF.
The RMI azimuth card
should coincide with the air-
craft magnetic heading and
the bearing pointer should in-
dicate the correct magnetic
bearing to station.
k. Loop control - R, fast speed
position (full deflection) of
the loop control. Rotate RMI
bearing pointer 90 right and
then 90 left of the ADF bear-
ing. At both the right and left
displaced gearing indication
points, reset the loop switch
to center. The bearing pointer
should return to the original
bearing indication at a rate of
not less than 25 degrees per
l. Mode selector switch - LOOP.
m. Loop control - R. slow speed
position (half deflection) of
the loop control. Rotate the
gearing pointer 360 left. Two
distinct null positions, 180
from each other should be en-
n. Stop the gearing pointer on
the null that points away from
the station.
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