![]() TM 55-1510-218-MTF
e. Check altitude control and se-
lection as follows:
(1) Pitch thumbwheel (au-
topilot pitch-turn panel) -
Move UP and DN while
observing that aircraft
and pitch trim indicator
respond properly.
f. Check autopilot VOR/ILS op-
eration as follows:
(1) Vor receiver - Set.
(2) NAV switch (autopilot
mode selector panel) -
Press on.
(3) When the aicraft is with-
in 10 degrees of the select-
ed radial it should begin a
gradual interception of
the radial or glideslope
g. Check autopilot altitude hold
function as follows:
(1) Fly aircraft to test alti-
(2) Altitude hold switch-
indicator (autopilot mode
selector panel) - Press on.
(3) Aircraft should maintain
the altitude being flown at
the time the ALT hold
switch was pressed.
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