TM 55-1510-218-MTF
7. Repeat for opposite engine.
*G. Engine Acceptance at Maximum Cruise Power
The engine acceptance at maximum cruise
power check needs to be performed only if
the TGT observed during the engine accep-
tance check at maximum continuous power
exceeds 780C.
1. Record the following:
*a. Engine serial number.
*b. Engine hours since new.
*c. Engine hours since overhaul.
2. Altitude -Establish level flight at 25,000 feet
pressure attitude.
4. Adjust the opposite engine to maintain 175
5. Free air temperature - Record.
6. Set engine torque as specified by the engine ac-
ceptance graph (figure 15) for the recorded indi-
cated free air temperature. on the engine to be
7. Allow conditions to stabilize for one minute
then record the following for each engine be-
ing tested:
*a. Airspeed
*b. Pressure altitude
*c. Free air temperature
*d. TGT (must not exceed 780C)
*e. Propeller RPM
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