![]() TM 55-1510-218-MTF
25. Cabin altitude controller - Set to 10,000 feet.
26. Cabin pressurization rate control - Set to a com-
fortable rate of climb.
* 27. Cabin altitude indicator - Read and record alti-
tude. Altitude should reach 9750 to 10,250 feet
pressure altitude.
28. Aircraft altitude - 10,000 feet.
29. Cabin pressurization dump switch - DUMP.
30. Aircraft altitude - Increase toward 12,500 feet
pressure altitude.
* 31. Cabin altitude warning annunciator light -
Check that it illuminates between 12,000 and
12,500 feet pressure altitude.
* 32. Oxygen system - Check that automatic deploy-
ment of masks occurs between 12,000 and 12,
500 feet pressure altitude (C-12D).
* 33. Cabin lights - Check that they automatically illu-
minate between 12,000 and 12,500 feet pressure
34. Cabin pressurization dump switch - PRESS.
35. Cabin altitude controller - Set to field elevation.
36. Descend toward field altitude.
* 37. Cabin altitude indicator - Check that cabin alti-
tude attains and remains at field elevation 250
feet until the altitude set in the cabin altitude
controller is reached by the aircraft.
* 38. Oxygen system (after landing) - Check each
mask for function and condition.
*B. Trim and Rigging. Check as follows:
1. In smooth air, at cruise power, the aircraft will
fly hands off, straight and level with the ailerons
symmetrically aligned at the trailing edge and
the aileron adjustable tab set to zero.
2. For additional trim and rigging checks, refer to
maintenance manual, P/N 92-37443-1.
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