![]() TM 55-1510-218-MTF
b. Defective antenna or cabling.
VHF volume control does not affect received au-
dio level.
a. Defective VHF control panel.
b. Defective antenna or antenna cabling.
HF transmitted or received signal or sidetone
not clear.
a. Defective HF receiver-transmitter.
b. Defective antenna cabling.
c. Defective HF control panel.
d. Defective audio control panel.
Course deviation indicator NAV flag (pilot's in-
dicator) or VOR LOC flag (copilot's indicator)
remain in view with receiver operating.
a. No reliable navigation signal on frequency
b. Defective VOR receiver.
c. Defective VOR control panel.
d. Defective antenna or cabling.
e. Defective NAV switching relays.
Either pilot's or copilot's course deviation indica-
tor NAV flag (pilot's indicator) or VOR LOC
flag (copilot's indicator) remain in view with re-
ceiver operating.
a. Defective pilot's or copilot's VOR switch on
instrument panel.
b. Defective course indicator switching relays.
c. Defective course deviation indicator.
No VOR audio tone heard in headset.
a. Defective VOR receiver.
b. Defective VOR control panel.
c. Defective audio control panel.
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