![]() TM 55-1510-218-MTF
Recognition lights - As required.
*4. Wings and nacelles - Check for fuel
and oil leaks.
*5. Cabin noise level - Check. There
shall be no undue air noise in the
cabin from around the perimeter of
doors or windows. There shall be
no undue noise in the cabin due to
vibrating and rattling articles or oil
canning of skins.
6. Volt-loadmeters - Check.
7. Auxiliary fuel gages - Monitor. En-
sure that fuel is being transferred
from auxiliary tanks.
*8. Pilot's alternate static air source -
Check as follows:
a. Maintain level flight and note
airspeed and altitude.
b. P i l o t ' s a l t e r n a t e s t a t i c a i r
source switch - ALTERNATE.
Airspeed indicator, altimeter,
and vertical speed indicator
readings should increase.
c. P i l o t ' s a l t e r n a t e s t a t i c a i r
source switch - NORMAL. Air-
speed indicator, altimeter, and
vertical speed indicator indica-
tions should return to their
original readings.
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