![]() TM 5-5420-279-23
Tools and Equipment
A MIG welding set of 400 amps minimum capacity complete with hard and soft wire rollers of
appropriate diameter. The set should be fitted with the recommended Binzel 501D, or equivalent,
water cooled welding torch which will require cooling water and argon supplies. A weld table and
tools including wire cutters and a stainless steel wire brush will be required. Also a rotary
stainless steel wire brush and powered hand tool fitted with milling burrs. An over-head crane.
Fume extraction shall be provided at the welding facility, static or mobile systems may be used
together with respiratory welding helmets.
Preliminary Precautions
Before beginning any welding or cutting operations on the equipment, the safety precautions
listed below must be considered.
Remove all ammunition from, on, or about the vehicle or materiel.
Drain the fuel tank and close the fuel and oil tank shut off valves.
Have a fire extinguisher nearby.
Keep heat away from optical elements.
Be familiar with and observe the safety precautions prescribed in chapter 2 of
TC 9-237.
Weld Specification
A weld is specified by the type of joint, welding position and the welding conditions. For each
repair refer to the drawing requirements (Section 5) and related weld procedure (Section 6). All
welding is to conform to ISO 5817 (Steel) and ISO 10042 (Aluminum) at the moderate level for
Artificial ageing of alloy 232B is not permitted. Components repaired by welding will suffer
a serious loss of proof strength in the heat affected zone and this can only be restored by
natural ageing. Protective coatings such as zinc and paint must be applied as soon as
possible after repair. For a component to achieve 75% of its original proof strength it
should be stored in accordance with figure 2-1.
Appendix K Page 2
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