C3, TM 11-6625-623-45
5-10. Test of Attenuator, Fixed CN-1066/ 5-11. Test of Test Probe No. 1
(TM 11-6625-623-12, fig. 1-6)
U R C (Generator Load)
a. Connect the XM-3/U between center con-
(fig. 3-1 and 4-2)
ductors (tip probe to center of BNC connector).
a. Connect the ZM-4B/U between center con-
b. The ZM-3/U shall indicate 100 mmf 10 mmf.
ductors of the CN-1066/URC BNC connectors.
b. The ZM-4B/U shall indicate 50 ohms 5;
center conductors shall not be shorted to outer
conductor or case.
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