TM 11-6625-623-45
b. Comply with the instructions preceding
4-1. General
each chart before proceeding to the chart. Per-
a. Testing procedures are prepared for use
form each test in sequence. Do not vary the
by Signal Field Maintenance Shops and Signal
sequence. For each step, perform all the ac-
Service Organizations responsible for general
tions required in the Control setting columns;
support maintenance of signal equipment to
determine the acceptability of repaired signal
then perform each specific test procedure and
equipment. These procedures set forth spe-
verify it against its performance standard.
cific requirements that repaired signal equip-
ment must meet before it is returned to the us-
4-2. Test Equipment Required
ing organization. Equipment that meets the
All test equipment required to per-form the
minimum standards stated in the tests will
furnish satisfactory operation equivalent to
testing procedures given in this chapter are
that of new equipment. The testing proce-
listed below and are authorized under TA 11
dures may also be used as a guide to test equip-
17, Signal Field Maintenance Shops, and TA
ment repaired by direct support maintenance
11100 (1117), Allowances of Signal Corps
personnel if the proper tools and test equip-
Expendable Supplies for Signal Field Mainte-
ment are available. A summary of the per-
formance standards is given in paragraph 46.
nance Shop.
Technical manual
Federal stock No.
Multimeter ME26B/U ____________ 66255426407 ____________________
TM 116625200-12.
Voltmeter, Electronic AN/USM-98 . . 66257532115 ____________________
TM 11-6625-438-10.
Power supply PP351/U ------------ 61305650706 ____________________
TM 11-5121.
Note: Voltage supply must be adjustable to two-decimal place accuracy.
sumption that applicable modification work
4-3. Modification Work Orders
orders have been performed. A listing of cur-
rent modification work orders will be found
The performance standards listed in the
in DA Pam 310-4.
tests (para 4-4 and 4-5) are based on the as-
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