TM 11-6625-623-12
terials. Pour gasoline on the cut cables and
the connectors, meter, knobs, dials, and
internal wiring and ignite it. Use a flame-
thrower to burn spare parts or pour gasoline
Note: Heavy tools will effectively destroy the
external parts mentioned in (1) above, but
on the spares and ignite them. Use incendiary
the remainder of the exposed surfaces of the
grenades to complete the destruction of the
equipment are constructed of steel plate; at-
maintenance kit.
tempts to damage it by smashing will be use-
d. Explode. Use explosives to complete
(2) Remove the units from the transit
demolition or to cause maximum damage before
burning, when time does not permit complete
case. With a heavy hammer or bar,
demolition by other means. Powder charges,
smash as many of the exposed parts
fragmentation grenades, or incendiary grenades
of the chassis as possible.
may be used. Incendiary grenades usually are
b. Cut. Use axes, handaxes, machetes, and
most effective if destruction of small parts and
similar tools to cut cables and wiring. Use a
wiring is desired.
heavy axe or machete to cut the cables. Cut all
(1) Use a fragmentation grenade to de-
cords and cables in a number of places.
stroy the interior of the maintenance
Warning: Be extremely careful with ex-
kit. Drop the grenade into the interior
plosives and incendiary devices. Use these items
of the maintenance kit.
only when the need is urgent.
e. Dispose. Bury or scatter destroyed parts or
c. Burn. Burn the technical manuals first. throw them into nearby waterways. This is
Burn as much of the equipment as is flammable; particularly important if 2 number of parts
have not been completely destroyed.
use gasoline, oil, flamethrowers, and similar ma-
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