Page 32. Add appendix IV after appendix III.
designations are also used on any illustra-
A4-1. General
tions of the equipment.
a. This appendix lists the quantities of repair
parts authorized for organizational maintenance
A4-2. Parts for Maintenance
and constitutes a basis of requisitioning when the
When this equipment is used by Signal service
major item of equipment is authorized to the orga-
organizations organic to the theater headquarters
nization. These equipments are issued on the basis
or communication zones to provide theater com-
of allowances prescribed in equipment authoriza-
munications, those repair parts authorized up to
tion tables and other documents which are a basis
and including general support are authorized for
of requisitioning.
stockage by the organization operating this
b. Columns areas follows:
(1) Federal stock number. This column lists
the n-digit stock number.
A4-3. Additional Repair Parts Authorization
(2) Designation by model. Not used.
An asterisk (*) indicates that an item is not
(3) Description. Nomenclature or the stand-
authorized for stockage but if required, may be
ard item name and brief identifying data
requisitioned for immediate use only.
for each item are listed in this column.
When requisitioning, enter the nomen-
A4-4. Maintenance Float Requirements
clature and description.
Supply Bulletin SB 11244 is the authorizing
(4) Unit of issue. The unit of issue is each
document for maintenance float. It authorizes a
unless otherwise indicated and is the sup-
maximum number of major components which are
ply term by which the individual item is
installed in Army aircraft and states in part:
counted for procurement, storage, requi-
"A careful review will be made by the respon-
sitioning, allowances, and issue purposes.
sible maintenance officer to limit maxi-
(5) Expendability. Nonexpendable items are
mum percentage of maintenance float to
indicated by NX. Expendable items are
only those items that exhibit high failure
not annotated.
rates. Items authorized for stockage as
(6) Quantity incorporated in unit. This col-
maintenance float will be included on the
umn lists the quantity of each part found
theatre or installation authorized stockage
in a given assembly, component, or
list in accordance with AR 711-16, coded
to indicate that stockage is for mainte-
(7) Organizational. The quantities indicated
nance float. In the case of avionics main-
in this column are maximum levels of re-
tenance float, the field maintenance officer
pair parts authorized to be kept on hand
is encouraged to locate the float at Army
by units performing organizational main-
tenance. The quantities are based on 100
a i f i e l d s in order to obtain maximum
equipments to be maintained for a 15-day
A4-5. Requisitioning Information
(8) Illustration. The "Item No." column lists
a. The allowance factors are based on 100 equip-
the reference designations that appear on
the part in the equipment. These same
ment. In order to determine the number of parts
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