TM 11-6625-601-34
contact 3 of switch S11C (rear). The +27.5 volts
routed to pins 34, 18, and 36 of jack J33. The
dc applied to terminal 14 of the TB1 is routed
+27.5 volts dc applied to terminal 11 of TB1 is
through terminals 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 of TB1
routed to pins 18, 36, and 34 of RCVR/XMTR
to the various circuits, in the same manner as
jack J11. From terminal 11 of TB1, +27.5 volts
when switch S11 was set to TEST SET. The
d c is applied to contact 5 of RCVR/XMTR
routing of the +27.5 volts dc applied to contacts
FUNCTION switch S9A (rear), pin a of jack J34,
9 and 3 of switch S11C (rear) is also the same
and pin J of ANT COUPLER jack J10. Setting
as described above.
s w i t c h S9 to TEST applies +27.5 volts dc
through contacts 5 and 4 of switch S9A (rear)
b. Routing of Voltage in Simulator-Test Set
to terminal 18 of TB1 and contact 8 of switch
S11C (rear). From terminal 18 of TB1, +27.5
SM-348/ARC-54. The +27.5 volts dc applied to
volts dc is applied, through dropping resistor
pins 34, 18, and 36 of jack J33 is routed through
R10, terminal 9 of TB1, and contacts 2 and 4
6 AMP fuse F1 to POWER switch S2 in the
of switch S11C (rear), to pins E and G of jack
simulator. Setting switch S2 to ON applies +27.5
J35. With switch S11 set to TEST SET, +27.5
volts dc to terminal 19 of audio amplifier A1 and
volts dc applied to contact 8 of switch S11C
terminal 26 of motor control A2. From terminal
(rear) is routed, through contacts 8 and 10 of
19 of audio amplifier Al, +27.5 volts dc is applied
switch S11C (rear), to pin 16 of jack J33 and pin
to a voltage regulator composed of resistor
16 of jack J11. The +27.5 volts dc applied to con-
A1R1 and Zener diodes A1CR2 and A1CR1. The
tact 1 of relay K1 is obtained from terminal 13
+18.2-volt dc output of the voltage regulator is
of TB1. From terminal 15, +27.5 volts dc is
applied to the collector circuits of transistors
routed to pin 1 of XMIT lamp DS2, terminal 19
A1Q1 through A1Q5 and, through terminal 17
of audit amplifier A1, and terminal E5 of the
of audio amplifier Al, to terminal 11 of motor
blower inverter. The +27.5 volts dc applied to
control A2. From terminal 11 of motor control
terminal 19 of audio amplifier A1 is routed to
A2, +18.2 volts dc is routed through dropping
a voltage regulator composed of resistor A1R1
resistor A2R1 and terminal 12 to pin 10 of
and Zener diodes A1CR2 and A1CR1. The out
FUNCTION SELECTOR switch S3A (front).
put of the voltage regulator, +18.2 volts dc, is
The +27.5 volts dc applied to terminal 26 of
applied to the collector circuits of transistors
motor control A2 is routed to pin 5 of relay A2K1
A1Q1 through A1Q5. The +27.5 volts dc applied
and pin 5 of relay A2K2. A voltage regulator
to terminal E5 of the blower inverter is routed
composed of resistor R1 and Zener diode CR1
to a filter circuit composed of resistors R15 and
receives +27.5 volts dc from switch S2. The
R16 and capacitors C2 and C3. From the filter
+27.5-volt dc output of the voltage regulator is
circuit, +27.5 volts dc is applied to terminal 3
applied to pin 1 of lamps DS1, DS3, DS4, DS5,
of transformer T1. When the C-3835/ARC-54 is
and DS9 through DS14. The regulated +27.5
connected to jack J16 and switch S11 is set to
volts dc is also applied to terminal 17 of motor
CONT UNIT, +27.5 volts dc is removed from
control AZ. From terminal 17 of motor control
contacts 8 and 5 and applied to contacts 9 and
A2, regulated +27.5 volts dc is applied through
6 of switches S11D (rear) and S11F (front)
diode A2CR6 to terminal 16, and diode A2CR7
respectively. This removes the +27.5 volts dc
to terminal 23. From terminal 16 of motor con-
applied to terminals 10 through 15 of TB1. The
trol AZ, regulated +27.5 volts dc is applied to
+27.5 volts dc applied to contacts 9 and 6 of
pin 1 of HAR FIL lamp DS2. From terminal 23
switches S11D (rear) and S11F (front), respec-
of motor control A2, regulated +27.5 volts dc is
tively, is routed, through pins C, D, and E of
applied to pin 1 of PTT INT SEC TONE lamp
jacks J16, to the C-3835/ARC-54. From the
DS7 and pin 1 of PTT SEC lamp DS6. Setting
C-3835/ARC-54, +27.5 volts dc is routed,
switch S2 to LOAD applies +27.5 volts dc across
through pins F, f, and e of jack J16 to terminal
parallel resistors R2 and R3. Resistors R2 and
14 of TB1, pin DD of jack J16 to contact 9 of
R3 simulate the load that the RT-348/ARC-54
switch S11C (rear), and pin GG of jack J16 to
places across the +27.5-volt dc source.
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