TM 11-6625-564-45
Figure 2-2. Radio set simulator chassis terminal board (TB1), front view,
showing location of parts.
through 2-22, 4-12, and 4-14) to trace cir-
Each subassembly has a separate voltage and
cuits and further isolate the faulty part.
resistance diagram.
Take resistance readings only
Caution :
b. If the voltage indications are normal,
with Multimeter, ME-26B/U. The dc source
take resistance measurements to isolate open
in some multimeters can destroy the transis-
or short circuits. Refer to the same figure as
tors by causing excessive current through
in a above. Refer also to the resistance and
continuity chart (para 2-4c) and to the dc re-
sistance of transformers (c below).
the radio set simulator should be less than 10
ohms. An infinite reading indicates an open
4-9) and the wiring diagrams (fig. 2-19
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