TM 11-6625-564-45
other three wires are not grounded. This is
which indicates a digit of the selected fre-
known as the two-out-of-five (2/5) code. The
quency. These four dials indicate the hun-
specific combinations of grounded and not-
dreds, tens, units, and tenths digits of the se-
grounded wires is different for each tens-
lected frequency. L a m p D S 4 i n d i c a t e s t h e
digit frequency selection. The different corn,
hundredths digit of the selected frequency.
binations for all of the control wires of the
b. An Autopositioner is a motor-driven
four Autopositioners and lamp DS4 are ex-
mechanism which rotates a shaft, and any de-
plained and shown in e through g below.
vices attached to the shaft, to any one of a
e. The chart below shows the coding ap-
predetermined number of positions. In the
plied to the control wires for hundredsdigit
readout mechanism, an Autopositioner circuit
and tens-digit frequency selection. Only two
includes a frequency-indicating dial, open-cir-
control wires, 200-A and 300-B, are necessary
cuit seeking switches, motor-control relays, a
for a hundreds-digit indication, since the hun-
solenoid, a stop wheel, a pawl, a slip clutch,
dreds digit can be only a 2 or a 3. The five
a dc motor, a gear train, and control wires.
control wires used for tens-digit frequency se-
Since the four Autopositioners are similar, the
lection are designated 10-A through 10-E. An
operation of only one, the tens-digit Autoposi-
X in any column indicates that that control
tioner, is explained.
wire carries a ground for that particular fre-
c. The tens-digit Autopositioner consists of
quency selection. No mark in a column indi-
the tens dial, open-circuit seeking switches S2
cates that control wire is not grounded. The
and S3, motor-control relays K2 and K5, sole-
two columns designated 200-A and 800-B
noid L2, a stop wheel, a pawl, a slip clutch,
are referenced to the left-most digit in the
motor B1, a gear train that mechanically cou-
Frequency (mc) column. The five columns
ples certain elements of the Autopositioner,
designated IO-A through 10-E are referenced
and five control wires.
The tens dial,
to the second digit from the left in the Fre-
switches S2 and S3, and the stop wheel are at-
quency (mc) column.
tached to and rotate with the gear train. The
slip clutch allows motor B1, and that portion
of the gear train between the slip clutch and
motor B1, to operate while the tens dial,
switches S2 and S3, and the stop wheel remain
stationary. (Each Autopositioner has a slip
clutch that is part of the gear train. Motor B1
and the gear train between the slip' clutches
and motor B1 is common to all four Auto-
positioners. A slip clutch allows the mechan-
ically coupled elements of a particular Auto-
positioner to remain stationary while any of the
other Autopositioners are still operating. Mo-
tor-control relay K5 is also common to all
four Autopositioners.)
d. The five control wires of the tens-digit
Autopositioner are connected to the segments
of switches S2 and S3. These five control
wires, denoted as 10-A, 10-B, 10-C, 10-D, and
10-E (pins V, U, T, c, and b of jack J1, re-
spectively) carry either a ground or no ground
f. The chart below shows the coding ap-
for a particular tens-digit frequency selection.
plied to the control wires (1-A through 1-E)
for a units-digit frequency selection. An X in
Two of these wires are grounded for any parti-
cular tens-digit frequency selection, and the
any column indicates that that control wire
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