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Page Title: Signal Paths of Simulator, Set, Radio
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C2, TM 11-6625-564-45
the potentials.
The meter indicates the
d. A frequency  readout mechanism is lo-
cated in the radio set simulator which indi-
cates, through windows on the front panel of
( 1 ) Output level of the + 27.5-volt direct-
the radio set simulator, the exact frequency
current (dc) power source.
selected by the radio set control. The radio set
(2) Automatic direction finder (adf) con-
control cable is connected to jack J1 of the
trol circuit potential and continuity.
radio set simulator.
(3) Antenna and radiofrequency (rf) cir-
e. Six lamps on the front panel of the radio
cuit potential and continuity.
set simulator indicate continuity of their re-
(4) Shield ground circuit continuity.
spective' functions. Following is a listing of
(5) Sensitivity control circuit potential
the lamps and their functions:
and continuity.
(6) A u x i l i a r y a u d i o c i r c u i t p o t e n t i a l a n d
(1) The SQ. DIS lamp lights when the
b. The radio set simulator contains power
receiver-transmitter squelch circuit is
converter module 1A3 that supplies +175-volt
disabled by. the radio set control
dc plate voltage to the ultrahigh frequency
squelch control. This condition indi-
(uhf) test generator (does not apply to the
cates that the path from the +27.5-
MK-731A/ARC-51X) and +225 volts dc to
volt dc supply through the SQ. DIS
the adf system in the aircraft (if so equip-
lamp, through the radio set control
ped). With the TEST SELECT switch in the
ADF position, the meter is connected to the
cable, through the radio set control
adf relay circuit to indicate the operating
condition of the adf equipment.
When the
PTT switch is depressed, relay K1 is ener-
(2) The XMIT LOAD lamp lights when
gized, and +175 volts dc from the power con-
the XMIT LOAD switch is de-
verter is supplied to the uhf generator plate
pressed. This condition indicates that
circuit (does not apply to MK-731A/ARC-
the +27.5-volt dc power supply oper-
In MK-731A/ARC-51X only, when the
ates under loaded conditions.
PTT switch is depressed, relay K1 is ener-
(3) The T/R lamp lights when the radio
gized, and +27.5 volts dc from the transient
set control function select switch is set
blanker is supplied to the uhf generator
to T/R. This condition indicates that
The XMIT lamp lights to indicate
the path from the +27.5-volt dc,sup-
the transmit function.
ply through the T/R lamp and the
c. A uhf test generator module is lo-
radio set control cable to the T/R
cated in the radio set simuiator.  W i t h t h e
position of the function select switch
TEST SELECT switch in either VSWR CAL
is continuous.
or VSWR TEST, this module generates a 300-
(4) The T/R+G lamp lights when the
megacycle (mc) signal that is applied through
radio set control function select
a directional coupler to the antenna or dummy
switch is set to T/R + G. This condi-
load when the PTT switch is depressed.
tion indicates that the path from the
W ith the TEST SELECT switch in the VSWR
+27.5-volt- dc supply through the
CAL position, the meter is connected to the
T/R + G lamp, relay K1, and the ra-
forward output circuit of the directional cou-
dio set control cable to the T/R+G
pler. The VSWR CAL. control varies the out-
position of the function select switch
put of the uhf test generator until the meter
is continuous.
indicates CAL on the B scale. With the TEST
(5) T h e X M I T l a m p l i g h t s w h e n t h e
SELECT switch in the VSWR TEST position,
PTT switch is depressed. This con-
the meter is connected to the reflected output
dition indicates that the radio set
circuit of the directional coupler for a stand-
simulator is generating a 300-mc test
ing wave ratio (swr) indication.

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