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TM 11-6625564-12
c. Burn. Burn the technical manuals first.
4-4. Methods of Destruction
Burn as much of the equipment as is flamma-
The tactical situation and time available will
ble; use gasoline, oil, flamethrowers, and sim-
determine the method to be used when destruc-
ilar materials. Pour gasoline on the cut cables
tion of equipment is ordered. In most cases,
and internal wiring and ignite it. Use a flame-
it is preferable to demolish completely some
thrower to burn spare parts or pour gasoline
portions of the equipment rather than partially
on the spares and ignite them. Use incendiary
destroy all the equipment units.
grenades to complete the destruction of the
a. Smash.  Use sledges, axes, hammers,
crowbars, and any other heavy tools available
d. Explode.  Use explosives to complete
to smash the interior units of the set.
demolition or to cause maximum damage, be-
(1) Use the heaviest tool  on hand to
fore burning, when time does not permit com-
smash the connectors, meter, knobs,
plete demolition  b y other means.  Powder
dials, switchcs, lamps, antenna, dum-
charges, fragmentation grenades, or incendi-
my load, and modules.
a r y- grenades may be used.  Incendiary gre-
Note: Heavy tools will affectively destroy
nades usually are most effective if destruction
the external parts mentioned in (1) above,
but the remainder of the exposed surfaces
of small parts and wiring is desired.
of the equipment are constructed of steel
(1) Use a fragmentation grenade to de-
plate; attempts to damage it by smashing
stroy the interior of the maintenance
will be useless.
kit. Remove the test unit far enough
(2) Remove the units from the transit
to provide room and drop the gre-
case. With a heavy hammer or- bar,
nade into the interior.
smash as many of the exposed parts
(2) For quick destructio of the mainte-
of the various chassis as possible.
n a n c e kit, explode an incendiary
b. Cut. Use axes, handaxes, machetes, and
grenade on the front panels of the
similar tools to cut cabling and wiring. Use a
heavy axe or machete to cut the power cable.
Cut all cords and cables in a number of places.
e. Dispose. Bury or scatter destroyed parts
or throw them into nearby waterways. This is
Warning:  Be extremely careful with ex-
particularly important if a number of parts
plosives and incendiary devices.  Use these
have not been completely destroyed.
items only when the need is urgent.

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