C 2, TM 11-662556412
Figure 1-4. Cover, Test Set Radio CW-710/ARC-51X.
(2) Cable W7. Cable W7 is a 10-conductor
three cable adapters are stored in the cable
rubber-covered cable, 18 inches long, with a
adapter storage bag supplied.
10-pin male connector on one end and a 10-pin
female connector on the other end.
There are 8 flexible module extender cables (W6
(3) Cable W8. Cable W8 is a 15-conductor
through W13). With these cables all modules,
rubber-covered cable, 18 inches long, with a 15-
except mechanical tuner module A9, can be
pin male connector on one end and a 15-pin fe-
electrically connected to the receiver-transmit-
male connector on the other end.
ter main chassis while the modules are mechan-
(4) Cable W9. Cable W9 is a 10-condutor
ically disconnected for work on the bench.
rubber-covered cable, 18 inches long, with a
(1) Cable W6. Cable W6 is a nine-con-
10-pin male connector on one end and a 10-pin
ductor rubber-covered cable, 18 inches long,
female connector ont he other end.
with a nine-pin male connector on one end
(5) Cable W10. Cable W10 is a 25-con-
and a nine-pin female connector on the other
ductor rubber-covered cable, 18 inches long,
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