TM 11-6625-2609-34
the controlled equipment to a point where the
2-1. Use of Equipment
ground is removed from wires A and C and the
a. Maintenance Kit, Electronic Equipment MK-
operating voltage is removed from the motor,
1 0 0 4 A / A R C (maintenance kit) is a portable
By setting the radio control to the other posi-
equipment used in field testing and adjusting
tions, related two-wire combinations are grounded
Radio Set AN/ARC-134.
in accordance with the standard 2 x 5 frequency-
b. The maintenance kit includes Panel, Test,
selector code shown in figure 2-1.
Electrical SB-3716(P)/ARC (test panel) mounted
c. B, figure 2-1, shows a system for controlling
on the front of the equipment. The test panel
an equipment having 100 channels, Since two
h o u s e s Control, Radio Set C-7197/ARC-134
controlled digits comprise any one frequency
(radio control) ; Intercommunication Control Set
channel, two switches are required in both the
C1611D/AIC; various input and output jacks;
radio control and the controlled equipment. Two
and switches, indicators, meters, and controls that
g r o u p s of five control wires interconnect the
are used to check and adjust for proper operation
switches, To simplify the explanation, the 100
of the AN/ARC134.
channels have been assigned frequencies from
c. The intercommunication control set is used
100 to 199 MHz, with l-MHz spacing between
to verify proper performance of the intercom-
channels. Switch S1 is the l-MHz selector and
munication control set in the vhf communications
switch S2 is the 10-MHZ selector. The radio con-
network under test.
trol is shown set to 112 MHz. Of the five-wire
group interconnecting switch S1 in the radio con-
d. The radio control is used to provide power
trol and switch S1 in the controlled equipment,
control, receiver volume control, and channel se-
wires A and C are grounded, representing the
lection for the AN/ARC-134 under test. A COMM
digit 2 (2 MHz). Wires A and B, representing the
T E S T switch on the radio control provides a
digit 1 (1 MHz), are grounded in the five-wire
means of checking the operation of the AN/ARC
group interconnecting switch S2 in the radio con-
134 with the receiver squelch circuit disabled.
trol and switch S2 in the controlled equipment.
T h e tuning motor is driven until the ground
2-2. Basic Two-Out-Of-Five Frequency-
is removed from wires A and C of S1 and A and
Selection System
B of S2. The gearing between the tuning motor
a. The two-out-of-five (2 x 5) frequency-selec-
and the switches in the controlled equipment is
tion system requires five control wires for each
such that switch S1 (the l-MHz switch) makes 10
controlled digit in a channel frequency. Frequen-
revolutions for each complete revolution of switch
cies are selected by simultaneously grounding two
S2. This provides 100 different points (channels)
wires out of each five-wire group. A, figure 21,
at which the tuning motor may be stopped.
shows a simplified system for controlling an equip-
ment having only 10 channels. Since each channel
uses the 2 x 5 selection system can be used in the
may be represented by a single digit, only one
controlled equipment, either in place of, or in
group of five control wires is required.
combination with, the motor-driven arrangement
b. For example, when the radio control is set
to position 2 (A, fig, 21 ) control wires A and C
required for each controlled digit, with selection
are grounded. The tuning motor then drives the
being accomplished by grounding two of the five
switches and the frequency-selecting circuits in
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