If the estimated repair or overhaul costs
Note. When vehicles are reported as indicated
exceeds the maximum established vehicle expenditure
above, they will be maintained in the condition code
instruction from the National Inventory Control Point
(6) Miscellaneous costs, such as contractual
11. Repair Cost Factors. Except for costs specifically
services required, incident to and identifiable with
excluded in paragraph d below, repair costs are based
performance of all, or a portion of, the maintenance task;
on all cost necessary to return materiel to serviceable
and any other cost necessary to accomplish the required
condition at the authorized category of maintenance
repair which can be directly identified with the operation.
which undertakes the repairs.
d. Repair cost estimates exclude the following:
a. If repairs are determined to be within the scope of
(1) Replacement of basic issue items.
direct or general support maintenance and the vehicle is
(2) Items of operating expenses, including
repaired at that level for return to the user, serviceability
replacement of tracks, batteries, anti-freeze, petroleum
standards and maximum wear limits applicable to the
products and tools, except when replacement is
level concerned, will be used in computing repair cost
attributable to accident damage.
(3) Labor cost of applying Modification Work
b. If required repairs are beyond the general support
maintenance category and are to be accomplished as
(4) Cost to overhaul or replace accessory items
depot maintenance, the cost estimate will be based on
used to adapt equipment for special uses, including such
return of the vehicle to serviceability standards, condition
items as winterization kits, sirens, flashing lights, two-
Code A (App II-33, AR 725- 50).
way radios, rank insignia, fire extinguishers, tool kits, and
c. Repair cost estimates include the following.
similar items.
(1) Direct Labor
(5) Freight charges when the equipments to be
(a) Civilian Labor
repaired is located in CONUS.
(b) Military Labor
12. Procedures. To determine the cost of repairs
Note. Direct labor is defined as that labor, either
proceed as follows -
civilian or military, which can be specifically
a. Apply the direct labor hourly rate to the total
identified to the repair job to be performed. Direct
manhours of direct labor as shown on DA Form 2404.
labor involves only personnel in direct productive
contact with the service or item concerned.
Note. Direct labor hour requirement estimates
will be periodically updated and based on the best
(2) Direct Materials. All parts and/or materials
available data, including actual past experience for
directly applied and identifiable to the particular
the same job or engineering estimates.
equipment undergoing repair.
(3) Indirect Costs.
b. Base cost of civilian labor on a labor rate for the
(a) Indirect maintenance expenses.
work center performing the work. For this purpose, use
(b) General and administrative expenses.
one of the following two methods:
(4) One way freight charges to CONUS when
(1) On the basis of annual salaries of
the equipment to be repaired is located overseas, and
Department of the Army civilian personnel labor,
no, local capability to repair exists. Cost of freight
compute the cost by adding a factor of 8.3% to the gross
includes all costs involved in preparing the item for
pay as shown in current pay tables. This factor is to
shipment at point of use and all transportation and
compensate for benefits furnished by the Government.
handling costs from point of use to designated CONUS
For determining hourly rates, one man-year comprises
point of repair.
1720 hours (215 productive days of eight hours each).
(5) Processing for shipping costs, including
(2) On the basis of direct labor hours applied,
materials used when equipment cannot be repaired on
compute the cost by adding a factor of 29% to the
site, and costs must be incurred to prepare the
equipment for shipment regardless of destination.
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