1. Army Regulations
AR 420-22 ...................................... Preventive maintenance.
AR 420-82 ...................................... Shop facilities.
AR 420-83 ...................................... Maintenance and service equipment.
AR 750-1 ........................................ Maintenance concept.
AR 750 ........................................... Organization, policies and responsibilities for maintenance
AR 7508.......................................... Command maintenance management inspection.
2. Forms.
DA Form 2402 ................................ Exchange tag.
DA Form 2404 ................................ Equipment inspection and maintenance worksheet.
DA Form 2405 ................................ Maintenance request register.
DA Form 2407 ................................ Maintenance request.
DA Form 24081 .............................. Equipment daily or monthly log.
3. Other Publications.
TM 9-237 ........................................ Welding, theory and application.
TM 9-248 ........................................ Use and care of handtools and measuring tools.
TM 38750 ....................................... Army equipment record system and procedures.
DA Pam 310-4 ................................ Index of technical manuals, technical bulletins, supply bulletins,
lubrication orders, and modification work orders.
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