TB 55-8100-200-24
LIFT HERE ........................... ................................................................................ in 1 3/4-inch letters, except
on MIL-D-6054 container. Stencil
5-inch long arrows, 1-inch wide,
pointing to lifting rings or eyes.
CENTER OF BALANCE ....................................................................................... in 1-inch letters, except on MIL-
D-6054 container. Locate marking
adjacent to a line 6 inches long
and 1-inch wide. Stencil the line
at loaded center of balance on
both sides, parallel to ground on
style I container and vertical to
ground on style II container.
TO BE SECURED AT ALL TIMES ......................................................................... in one-inch letters, adjacent to
record receptacle.
IN UPRIGHT POSITION ONLY ............................................................................. in 1 3/4-inch letters on container
where height is the greatest
dimension, except MIL-D-6054 con-
tainer. Locate marking just below
top, on cover section, and center
over nameplate.
DO NOT DROP ..................................................................................................... in 1/4-inch letters, except on
main rotor blade box. Locate
marking near top of cover section,
on opposite sides, directly above
fork-lift openings.
BEFORE OPENING CONTAINER......................................................................... in 1-inch letters, except on
T-62 and T-63 Engine Container,
main rotor blade box and MIL-D-
6054 container. Locate marking on
cover section, on one continuous
line, immediately above closure
flange, on both sides and both
ends. (On T-62 and T-63 Engine
Container, apply marking on
closure flange of bottom assembly.
Stencil marking in 3/4-inch letters
on both sides and both ends,
abbreviating as necessary to accom-
modate marking on one continous line)
HUMIDIIY INDICATOR .......................................................................................... in 1-inch letters, except on main
rotor blade box. Locate marking
adjacent to humidity indicator, or
on service receptacle cover where
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