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Page Title: Disassembly, Reassembly, and Adjustment of Readout Mechanism
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TM 11-6625-56445
(2) Loosen two setscrews (167) and re-
(18) Remove flathead screw (172) that
move tens megacycle dial (166).
attaches to sleeve nut (102) at bot-
(3) Loosen two setscrews (161) and re-
tom edge of front gear plate (134).
move units megacycle dial (162).
(19) Remove front gear plate (134).
(20) Remove two machine screws (84) and
(4) Loosen two setscrews (159) and re-
two lockwashers (85) that hold lamp
move tenths megacycle dial (160).
DS1 assembly (137 through 144) to
(5) Loosen two setscrews (163) and re-
front gear plate (134).
move gear clamp (164).
(21) Disassemble lamp DS1 assembly by
(6) Remove shim washers (168) from
removing machine screw (144), elec-
shaft of tens megacycle clutch (110).
trical contact (143), lamp DS1 (141),
Note the number of washers.
No. 2 nut (137), flat washer (138),
(7) Remove 22-tooth and 66-tooth gear
and two bushing insulators (139 and
cluster (169).
(8) Remove additional shim washers
(22) Remove two machine screws (86) and
(168) from shaft of tens megacycle
two lockwashers (87) that hold lamp
clutch (110). Note the number of
DS2 assembly (151 through 158) to
front gear plate (134); then disas-
(9) Remove 62-tooth spur gear (165)
semble lamp DS2 assembly in same
from drive shaft (97).
manner as for lamp DS1 assembly
(10) Remove two machine screws (179),
((21) above).
(23) Remove two machine screws (103)
two lockwashers (178), small gear
and two lockwashers (104) that hold
plate (177), and two sleeve spacers
lamp DS3 assembly (180 through
187) to front gear plate (134); then
(11) Remove 18-tooth and 110-tooth gear
disassemble lamp DS3 assembly in
shaft (174) from front gear plate
the same manner as for lamp DS1 as-
sembly ((21) above).
(12) Remove ball bearing (176) from
(24) Remove seven sleeve bearings (70,
small gear plate (177), and remove
77, 83, 101, 111, 119, 133) from
ball bearing (173) from front gear
front gear plate (134). Note that six
plate (134).
sleeve bearings (70, 77, 83, 101, 111,
(13) Remove machine screw (145) and
133) have a 3/16-inch inner diam-
lockwasher  (146)
from indicator
eter, and one sleeve bearing (119)
holder (147), and remove indicator
has a 1/8-inch inner diameter.
DS4 (148).
(25) Remove tenths, units, tens, and hun-
(14) Remove two machine screws (150)
dreds megacycle clutches (69, 82,
and two lockwashers (149), and re-
110, 132) from their respective sole-
move indicator holder (147).
noids (66 79, 107 129)
(15) Remove three machine screws (171),
(26) Remove No. 2 idler shaft assembly
and remove motor B1 (105) from
(72 through 76). If necessary re-
gear plate (134).
move retaining rings (72, 76) from
(16) Remove two machine screws (136),
No. 2 idler shaft (73), remove spring
two lockwashers (135), and one flat-
pin (74), and slide 32-tooth spur
head screw (170) that attached to
gear (75) off shaft.
three sleeve nuts (two 64, one 88) at
(27) Remove drive shaft assembly (96
top edge of front gear plate (134).
through 100). If necessary, remove
retaining rings (96 and 100) from
(17) Remove two machine (191) and two
drive shaft (97). remove spring pin
lockwashers (190) that attach to two
(98), and slide 32-tooth spur gear
square spacing posts (127) at bottom
(99) off shaft.
edge of front gear plate (134).

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