![]() TB 750-25
b. Owners/users receive C&RS support from their supporting TSA. Army direct
support (DS), general support (GS), a d aviation intermediate maintenance (AVIM)
units provide C&RS for special purpose TMDE (TMDE-SP) identified in TB 43-180.
Selected items of TMDE-SP may be supported by a TSA when capabilities exist and
there is a written agreement between the owner/user and the TSA.
c. TMDE requiring C&RS must be transported by the owner/user to their TSA
unless directed to do differently by the TSA. When the local support organization is not
capable of providing C&RS, the TMDE will be evacuated as directed by the parent TSA.
The TSA is responsible for providing or obtaining the necessary C&RS and notifying the
owner/user of items awaiting pickup. When the size or the construction of the TMDE
precludes movement, a mobile ATST is dispatched to the TMDE owner/user site.
d. TMDE and/or standards requiring "S" or "P" level support will be transported
by the owner/user to their local TSA who will evacuate the item for C&RS.
e. TMDE requiring manufacturer's calibration or repair will be arranged by the
supporting TSA.
RADIAC support may be obtained IAW section VI, chapter 3.
g. Calibration and repair support for Army fielded TMDE is identified in TB 43-
180. Calibration requirements will be established only when TMDE accuracy must be
continuously maintained and where the lack of calibration (out-of-tolerance TMDE) can
adversely affect system operations, end item performance, or safety.
h. The calibration procedures listed in TB 43-180 are valid for all calibrations and
shall be used. The use of procedures other than those referenced in TB 43-180 are not
authorized, unless approved by the USATA through the submission of a DA Form 3758-R
(Calibration and Repair Requirements Worksheet)*. Manufacturers' manuals and DOD
procedures, to include U. S. Air Force Technical Orders (TO), Naval Air Systems
Command (NAVAIR), and Government Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) are
considered approved calibration procedures. The approved maintenance manual is also
listed in TB 43-180. When there is no approved calibration procedure available for an
item of TMDE presented for calibration, it is the responsibility of the supporting TSA to
use their chain of command to contact USATA Engineering, Acquisition, and Logistics
Directorate, for assistance in locating an approved calibration procedure. If there is no
approved calibration procedure available, it is the responsibility of the supporting TSA
to develop a calibration procedure that verifies the required accuracies and parameters
of that item. The locally developed procedure must be approved in writing by the
calibration laboratory/team chief. A copy of each locally developed procedure will be
forwarded to the USATA Engineering, Acquisition, and Logistics Directorate for review.
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