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TB 43-0002-73
electronics and communications equipment, missile systems, ships,  munitions armament, weapons armament, rail
equipment, general equipment, and commodity groups of equipment); depot maintenance and direct/general support
maintenance; and each major geographical area where wage levels vary significantly.
(f) Depot maintenance labor rate. When considered necessary for determining the proper depot maintenance labor
rate, assistance may be requested as authorized by AR 700-4.
(2) Materials. The cost to repair will include all materials directly applied to, and identifiable with, the particular
equipment undergoing repair.
(a) Consumable items received from the supply system may be costed as billed by the supply agency. If no billing is
available, consumables will be costed at the standard inventory price as published in appropriate supply manuals. Items
procured from local sources will be priced at the latest invoice cost. Cost of items fabricated will be based on actual cost
for like items, where possible. When actual cost is not available, engineering estimates, including indirect expenses, will
be used.
(b) Replacement components and assemblies used in the repair process will be costed at the standard inventory
price. Credit will be taken for the return of the repairable component in an amount equal to the current standard inventory
price, less the estimated cost to repair the components.
(3) Freight and packaging. Freight will not be included as an element of cost when the equipment to be repaired is
located in CONUS. When the equipment to be repaired is located overseas and no local capability to repair exists, the
cost of freight to CONUS will be included as an element of cost. The cost of freight includes all cost involved in preparing
the item for shipment at point of use, and all transportation and handling cost from point of use to designated CONUS
point of repair. When equipment cannot be repaired on site, and cost must be incurred to prepare the equipment for
shipment regardless of destination, such cost (including materials) will be included in the estimate of cost to repair.
b. Indirect Costs. Indirect cost to be included will be determined by applying the indirect expense rates to the
estimated direct labor man-hours. The cost to repair will include the following indirect expenses.
(1) Indirect maintenance expense rate. This will include manufacturing or production expenses (i.e., indirect costs
incurred within or identifiable to the maintenance' shop or organization performing the repair work, although not identifiable
to particular jobs).

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